Three individuals arrested in Bir Al Abd and Airport Road – Dahye Janoubiye and Abdeh - Akkar for committing various crimes.

Friday, 23 February 2024

The Lebanese Army Command - Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:
On 22/2/2024, a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate arrested the Lebanese (N.Q.) and the Syrian (AA.AA.) in Bir al Abd and Airport Road – Dahye Janoubiye for using and promoting drugs, and for the latter stealing more than twenty motorcycles in Dahye Janoubiye. A quantity of drugs and a sum of money were seized from the Syrian’s possession. Another patrol from the Directorate arrested the Lebanese (N.Q.) in Abdeh - Akkar for throwing a grenade at a storefront in Beddawi on 13/02/2024, which led to material damage.
The seized items were handed over and investigations was initiated with the arrestees under the supervision of the competent judicial authorities.